While Stress is a natural part of life, it can be managed (as we’ve previously discussed here). Nothing will bring your mood down quicker than feeling stressed out. It keeps you from sleeping well, staying focused, being productive, and puts a damper on your overall feelings. Remember, reducing stress increases happiness. One of the best ways to bring your stress levels down and increase your feelings of “happy” is to meditate.

In addition to reducing stress and increasing happiness, meditation is good for your overall health and wellness. Meditation helps you practice self-awareness, and it strengthens your concentration and focus. It will give you more control over your mind and your thoughts.

Meditating Your Way To A Happier You

Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness. There are many different ways to practice meditation. Some will have you focus on your breathing, some will have you focus on your body. You can practice in complete silence, while listening to white noise or soft music, or you can work through guided meditations.

If you’re new to meditating, a simple guided meditation may be your best bet. There are plenty of recordings online, on YouTube, and even on apps. Some of them will be free, while others are paid guided meditations. Listen to a few of them until you find a mediation you’re comfortable with.

If you want to just give this a try without downloading or buying any guided meditations, give this basic meditation exercise a whirl. Start by laying down comfortably on your back. Place your hands and arms comfortably at your sides, and relax. Close your eyes, and breathe naturally. Notice how your breathing moves your body, and try to focus your mind on each breath you take in and each breath you let out. If you mind starts to wander, bring it back to your breathing. Aim for a few minutes of meditation to begin with. Don’t feel bad if you find yourself nodding off. Meditation can be very relaxing and a great way to help you get to sleep.

With practice you will be able to mediate for longer periods of time. Experiment with techniques and lengths of mediation until you find your own routine that reduces stress, increases happiness and is something you can stick with for the long run. You will want to keep meditating to keep your health and happiness levels up.

This is one of the first relaxation exercises I recorded. I think you’ll enjoy it!