As promised, I will bring  you products I have tried and like, and would love for you to introduce some new ones as well.  If you have any products you’d like to share, please email

I had thought most people were aware of these beautiful silicone lids until this past weekend when shopping with a friend who had never seen them before.  So, without further ado … introducing Silicone Lids. These are BPA free and Food Grade so they are extremely safe for us to use. I like them because they help cut back on using plastic wrap and thus save the environment ~ every little bit helps.  They are wonderful because they seal tightly on all smooth rim stainless steel, glass, plastic, and ceramic containers.

Product Description

“These silicone lids are a beautiful and practical alternative to plastic wrap. Unlike plastic wrap, these lids can be used over and over. The lid seals tight on all smooth rims, which means any bowl can be used for food storage. The Lid creates an airtight, watertight seal for reheating and storing. It can also be used while serving food, to keep your dishes hot or cold for longer, or simply protecting them at picnics. Each lid is oven, microwave, dishwasher and heat safe up to 428 degrees Fahrenheit.”

They are great for covering up hot dishes of food or for leftovers instead of plastic wrap. The small ones keep a cup of coffee hot or glasses of soda or cans cool, and protected from bugs when you’re outside.

The nice thing is that they come in a variety of  designs and multiple sizes ~ I have the Snowflake design but there are different designs available like Sunflowers, Grapes, Poppy, Hibiscus, Lilypad, Banana Leaf, …  all  in pretty colors. I’m guessing some may be limited edition, and others available throughout the year.

Hibiscus       Poppy

Sunflower         Banana Leaf


Benefits of using these lids:

Silicone Lids


They are available in Different sizes. Some examples of the sizes are:

Silicone Lids

sunflower lids


There are also smaller ones that are Available for Different uses ~ Wine Stoppers, Drink Covers, Drink Markers, etc.


Usage and Care:

Siiicone Lid Care

They carry these in Kitchen Stores, Gift Stores and you can purchase on Amazon by clicking here



If you try them, hop on over to our facebook group and tell me what you thought!

If you haven't seen these incredible lids, you have been missing out! They are a wonderful product and also help eliminate plastic wrap and foil from your home. Enjoy the product, save the environment!