Smile For Business Sake

Smile For Business Sake

Smile for Business Sake— When it comes to business communication – How often do you smile? Have you ever wondered why The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings of all time? Well, if this thought ever crossed your mind, you are not alone. This is  a question...
Do You Know Where Your Money Is?

Do You Know Where Your Money Is?

Take Responsibility for Your Money! NEW RULE; the Big Idea/ Strategy to help with this new world we live in: Take responsibility for YOUR Money.  Do it NOW – don’t wait for a “pain point.” Why it’s important: At least once per month, I meet a woman with a new story to...
Money: Introduction

Money: Introduction

In this video (which was done a few years ago and part of a program) I talk about the Introduction to Money, taking control of your finances and the 7 critical steps you’ll need to take to becoming financially savvy and prepared. All info is taken from my book The...