Begin to learn how to live Chemical Free!
Meet Cheryl T. Campbell
Cheryl is a bestselling author and international speaker whose career has been a diverse journey taking her from the hazardous waste field to SCUBA diving Instructor and ultimately to small business owner.
While developing a successful Interior Decorating and Custom Upholstery Shop she became fascinated with internet marketing and has never looked back. She is the author of Relationship Marketing and the New Entrepreneur; co-author of The New Masters of Online Marketing and Publisher of The Tribal Woman Magazine available on the iPad Newsstand.
Cheryl is passionate about sharing her knowledge of how to create and grow leadership based businesses.
{It is important to note that Cheryl spent 14 years in the environmental field as Director of Regulatory Affairs for a Hazardous Waste Facility}
Connect with Cheryl:
Business/Company: 4 Winds of Change, LLC
Contact number(s): 860.577.0258
Skype handle: CherylTCampbell
Facebook Personal Profile: Cheryl T Campbell
Twitter: CherylTCampbell
LinkedIn: CherylTCampbell
NEW RULE; the Big Idea/ Strategy to help with this new world we live in:
Take Chemicals out of your life and save your health, and save money in the process.
Why it’s important; benefits both personally and professionally:
For your health and the health of your children, your loved ones and your pets.
How to accomplish the above:
There are many truly natural products on the market today to help you get all the chemicals out of your life. It’s time to do some research and do your due diligence. If you need any help, please email us and we can help.
Favorite Quote:
“Beauty is only reality seen through the eyes of love.”
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when sunny and bright, but when the sun sets their true beauty shines from within.”
Begin living Chemical Free!
Golden Nuggets:
- There are many ways chemicals can find their way into our systemic system. The routes are – inhalation, absorption through our skin, ingestion and injection. It is important to note that ingestion can also occur from inhalation because as a by-product of cleaning our lungs the chemicals can be deposited in our cilia for ingestion.
- Propylene glycol, a common ingredient in our makeup, toothpaste, deodorant … is in antifreeze.
- There is a build-up effect that occurs in our system. It is this cumulative effect of all of the chemicals that enter our bodies that can be extremely detrimental to our health.
- Baby oil is a mineral oil which is a petroleum derivative. It coats the skin like saran wrap and doesn’t allow the skin to naturally breathe. Because of this it slows natural cell development.
- Chemicals found in shampoo, soap, facial cleaners, bubble baths … can cause hormone disruption that form cancer causing agents. Research shows that there is a strong link between this and liver and kidney cancer.
- Because our body is busy fighting off chemicals, our immune system is not where it is supposed to be. This is one of the reasons cancer and illness is so prevalent today.
- Essential oils can replace a lot of our medicines. This is not “new age” – these oils have been around for centuries. Chemicals have been around for only 100 years. Most oils contain “nature’s wiseness” in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.
- “Western Medicine. Eastern Prevention.”
- How you can save money with some of these products – one product can replace many products. Do some research and see it with your own eyes.
Action Steps:
Go through your home and read the labels on your products in your cleaning cabinet and in your bathroom and shower. Write down the ingredients and google them. Do your own research and prove this to yourself. Perform your due diligence. See it with your own eyes.
Shop with your eyes open!
4 Winds of Change Argan Oil can be purchased on Amazon by Clicking Here.