Introducing The PERMA Model of Happiness

Finding Your Happy: Exploring Frameworks for Well-Being

Happiness. It’s a universal goal, yet the path to achieving it feels unique to each person. Psychologists have delved into this complexity, developing various frameworks to understand the building blocks of well-being. This article explores one such framework: The PERMA Model, created by Martin Seligman, a pioneer in positive psychology.

Beyond a Single Path: Different Frameworks for Happiness

Our pursuit of happiness isn’t linear. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Recognizing this, psychologists have proposed various models that identify the key ingredients for a fulfilling life. Some frameworks, like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, emphasize the importance of fulfilling basic needs before focusing on higher-level aspirations. Others, like Diener’s Subjective Well-Being Theory, highlight the role of both positive emotions and life satisfaction in overall happiness.

The PERMA Model: A Breakdown of Happiness

The PERMA Model offers a comprehensive approach to happiness, encompassing five key elements:

  • Positive Emotions (P): Cultivating joy, gratitude, contentment, and other positive feelings is crucial for overall well-being. Practicing gratitude, spending time with loved ones, and engaging in activities you enjoy can all boost your positive emotions.

  • Engagement (E): Being fully absorbed and immersed in meaningful activities fuels a sense of fulfillment. This could involve hobbies, work you find purposeful, or even losing yourself in a good book.

  • Relationships (R): Strong, supportive relationships are essential for happiness. Investing time and energy into nurturing connections with family, friends, and loved ones provides a sense of belonging and social support.

  • Meaning (M): Having a sense of purpose in life, feeling like you contribute to something bigger than yourself, adds depth and direction to your journey. Volunteering, pursuing a cause you care about, or simply finding meaning in your daily work can all contribute to this.

  • Accomplishments (A): Setting and achieving goals, big or small, provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence. This doesn’t mean constant pressure to achieve, but rather finding a balance between setting goals that challenge you and celebrating your progress.

The PERMA model is not a rigid formula, but rather a flexible framework that allows you to identify areas that resonate most with you. By focusing on these elements and tailoring them to your unique needs and values, you can cultivate a happier and more fulfilling life.

Our Happiness Planner will help you identify these areas and focus on them. 

Happiness Planner

The PERMA Model: A Breakdown of Happiness